Publishing Guide

Preliminary steps to publication

The preliminary stages to having material accepted for publication by Church of Ireland Publishing are as follows:-

  • Groups, committees or individuals who expect to submit material for publication should seek an early meeting with the Publications Officer (telephone Dublin 4923979), to discuss the feasibility of their project.
  • All manuscripts to be considered for publication must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary of the Literature Committee, RCB Library, Braemor Park, Churchtown, Dublin 14.
  • All who wish to publish must make budgetary provision in advance to cover the publication costs.
  • Groups or committees submitting material for publication must appoint one of their members as an editor, who will liaise directly with the Publications Officer.

We are pleased to announce the availability of a comprehensive and user-friendly writing and reference guide for future publications from Church of Ireland Publishing, as well as for use by students in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute (CITI). This is the result of collaboration between the Institute and Church of Ireland Publishing (CIP) and the work has been carried out by Bryan Whelan, Assistant Librarian, at the RCB Library.

To access an electronic version of The Style-Guide for Student Essays and Dissertations: Referencing, Bibliographies, and Writing Made Easy please click here.

If there are any further queries, in the first instance, please contact Bryan Whelan on 01-4923979, or e-mail